and effective cooperation
lasting for years...
your company's growth
strategy together!
a chance and we will prove
our efficiency!
Turnkey projects
Civil and steel constructions with all over needed of civil, Electrical, Carpentry, Tiling, Flooring, Plastering, Roofing & Gutters, Glazing, Painting, Kitchens, Tower Assembly & erections (Crane & Gin pole).Stringing activity (Conductor & OPGW) ,Pad Chimney foundations & Second stages for piles foundations. Plumbing services and maintenance and Firefighting services and detection devices.
Roof protective and reflective Coatings
- Heat reflective and water proof coatings.
- Reflect up to 85% of the sun heat.
- Reduce the bill lower to 50%.
- lower roof surface temperatures reach to 35 C.
- energy saving by reducing the capacity needed of cooled air of air conditioning system inside.
Maintenance and Shutdown
- Mechanical and electrical services.
- AC cleaning and maintenance.
- Heat exchanger chemical cleaning and services.
- Coating and roof cleaning services.
- compressors, pumps, rotating machines, process equipment’s.
- water treatments, oil treatments, evaporators and crystallizers, steam ejectors and vacuum systems, gas scrubbing technologies.
- Energy and environmental solutions.